Sunday, 17 July 2011

Felt Beads My first attempt

I tried my hand at making felt beads during the week. They took me a bit of time to make them but I am pleased with the result. They are not perfect but I think that is the beauty of them.

I will try and make them into a bracelet. This will be posted as soon as I manage it.



  1. Wow Lesley these look perfect even if they're not. I've been bitten by the felt bug, seen so many things people have made from it, so I treated myself to a felt bag kit. I haven't tried to do it yet, waiting until I have a free day, I'm a bit nervous, don't want to make a mess of it. Shall post it on my blog if and when I get around to making

    Vicki x

  2. Cool Lesley! Post your bracelet when you finish! I have not done felting before it is really neat looking!

  3. Your beads are great. I can imagine the amount of time they took. Looking forward to seeing the bracelet.


Thanks for leaving me a message. hugs Lesleyx